My Story

My daughter came into this world on Mother’s Day, healthy and perfect as could be. I was so overwhelmed, and I just laid there staring at her, unable to believe I had made this tiny little human.

Enter the real world. We left the hospital, and I cried the whole way home. I was terrified, excited, exhausted already, and so, so nervous. How were my husband and I supposed to care for this tiny little human? We had no idea what we were doing. I’d never even held a baby until then.

I was expecting the worst when it came to sleep. I knew I would be up all hours of the night feeding this helpless, adorable little baby. And I was right. She was up every 2-3 hours to eat, but I knew this was normal, so I did it gladly.

When she was around 2.5 months old, she magically began sleeping 8-9 hours straight! It was amazing, and I thought I had the easiest baby ever.

Enter the four-month sleep regression. It hit us like a freight train. All of a sudden, my perfect little sleeper became this demanding little creature I didn’t recognize. She woke up crying multiple times a night again. I didn’t understand what had happened, and it was so hard to start getting up at night again after being teased with a full night’s sleep.

Golden Dreams Sleep Consulting Jackie Blanchette holding her daughter

So I began reading. And reading some more. My husband likes to joke that I “read the internet”. He’s probably not wrong.

So, after days – more like weeks, actually – of painstaking research, I put together a plan and got started. I had never heard of a sleep consultant at this point, but I wish I had. It would have saved me and my daughter many tears and sleepless nights.

However, I did eventually figure it out, and my perfect little sleeper was returned to me! I was so inspired by this experience that I decided to pursue a career in teaching parents how to get their little one’s sleeping peacefully. I studied under Dana Obleman with the Sleep Sense Certification Program, which is one of only five programs recognized by the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants (APSC). This was an extensive training program, and it provided me with all the knowledge I need to help other families with their unique sleep needs. I know how it feels to be completely exhausted and overwhelmed, and I’m here to help.