How to Transition to a Toddler Bed
Have you been wondering if your little one is ready for a toddler bed? In today’s blog, we’ll talk about when to make the transition (and also some reasons why you shouldn’t), and how to do it safely and successfully! When should you do it? First of all, if...
Why is my baby taking short naps?
Ah naps…that time of the day when you get to do some cleaning, sit down and relax, drink your coffee, take a shower… but then all your plans are ruined when you hear cries on the baby monitor! This is what I dealt with until my little one turned 7 months old. She...
Troubleshooting Early Mornings
Out of all the baby sleep problems I see as a sleep consultant, early morning wakings are probably the most common one! I get asked questions about this all the time, so I’m going to break it down today to help you troubleshoot and figure out WHY it’s happening, and...
All About Wake Windows
When should I put my baby to bed? Great question! I get asked this a lot, so if you’re wondering the same thing, you’re definitely not alone. Every baby is different, so it can be hard to tell when they’re ready for sleep. Some parents like to use sleepy cues, while...
How to Survive the Holidays with a Baby
The holiday season is almost here! That time of year when everything is so exciting and yet so exhausting at the same time! I’m a bit of an introvert myself, so the thought of all the parties and socializing is a little overwhelming. With that being said, I still...
Why Does Baby Wake at Night?
This is probably the most commonly asked question by new parents. Why oh why is that little baby waking at night if they're not hungry? Is it due to a developmental milestone? A regression? Teething? Are they getting too much or too little sleep during the day? Or...
The Four-Month Sleep Regression
As a sleep consultant, I hear the word “regression” a lot. If a baby doesn’t sleep well for a couple nights, parents inevitably start dropping the “R” word. There is a lot of hype about 8-month regressions, 9-month regressions, teething regressions, growth spurt...
When Can I Night Wean?
“Night weaning” is a common phrase you’ll hear among friends with babies. If you’re wondering when to do it, I have two answers for you. First thing’s first: speak to your doctor. We want to make sure that your little one is healthy and gaining weight as expected...
Preventing Overtiredness
For children, overtiredness is the root of all evil. This dreaded condition can turn a happy-go lucky child into an unrecognizable hellion, and it can send good sleep habits out the window. Overtiredness also makes sleep training infinitely more difficult. Babies and...